Bus Conduct
School transportation privileges are extended to students conditional upon their satisfactory behavior on the bus. Students may be suspended from transportation services for unsatisfactory conduct while awaiting or receiving transportation to and from school which endangers persons or property or violates a Board policy or administrative regulation.
Bus Passes/Riding an Alternate Bus:
Any student wishing to ride a bus other than their own, must bring a signed note from a parent/guardian indicating their name, the bus they wish to go on and the student’s name they will be riding with. Your child should drop off the note in the Main Office when they arrive to school in the morning. If approved, we will provide the note back to you child, stamped, which they need to pick up during their Lunch/HR wave and will be required to show the driver upon boarding the bus.
Bus Company Information
Visit the District site for bus company contact information, transportation forms, and bus route information.