Grading Information

Students are graded using a dual system: standards-based grading and traditional grading. This is a hybrid approach, which allows students and families to see progress in two different formats. PowerSchool has designed their gradebook to allow both forms of grading to work together. It provides a more comprehensive assessment of student performance by evaluating both content mastery (standards-based grading) and overall performance (traditional grades). This system combines the benefits of both by promoting clarity, customization, and motivation for growth. It provides a comprehensive and balanced evaluation of students' academic performance.

Key Terms: 

  1. Standards- Based Grading

  • Defines clear learning standards and objectives aligned with academic standards and curriculum requirements.

  • Provides descriptive feedback to students based on their performance relative to each standard.

  • Uses a proficiency scale (e.g. exceeds expectations, approaching expectations) to communicate students’ progress and achievement on each standard.

  • Traditional Grading

  • Utilizes traditional grading methods to assign letter grades (e.g., A, B, C, D, F) based on overall performance across multiple standards and learning objectives.

  • Provides a summary of a student's performance in a course or subject area based on their overall achievement across various assessments and criteria.

  • Hybrid Grading System

  • A key feature of a hybrid grading system is the integration and balance of standards-based and traditional grading components.

  • Carefully designed assessments and grading practices ensure that both the mastery of specific learning standards and overall academic performance are taken into account when determining students' grades.

  • Aims to provide a comprehensive and holistic evaluation of students' academic progress, incorporating both standards-based and traditional grading principles.


The following guidelines are established to provide a balance between fostering responsibility and avoiding excessive academic pressure. It is designed to support students' academic growth while recognizing the importance of a well-rounded education and the development of good study habits.

The purpose of homework is to help students become self-directed, independent learners and is related to the educational progress of the student. It serves to help all students reach their instructional goals.

Specific homework assignments may strengthen basic skills; extend classroom learning; stimulate and further interests; reinforce independent study skills; develop initiative, responsibility, and self-direction; improve worthwhile use of leisure time; and acquaint parents with the student’s work in school.

In order for homework to be an effective support for learning, the homework policy requires a partnership among the school system represented by the teacher, the student and their parents.

Without this partnership in support of learning, students will not achieve their full potential.