James Morris School PTO


About Us

The James Morris School PTO hosts fundraisers to support school activities, family festivals, field trips, staff appreciation and more! We invite you to join our monthly meetings to share ideas, stay informed and connect with families.

Meeting Dates

September 9th-4:15pm @ JMS February 3rd- 7pm virtual

October 7th- 4:15pm @ JMS March 3rd- 4:15pm @ JMS

November 14th- 7pm virtual April 7th- 7pm virtual

December 2nd- 7pm virtual May 5th- 4:15pm @ JMS

January 6th- 4:15pm @ JMS June 2nd- 4:15pm @ JMS

September 25th- Muffins in the Morning 8-8:45

September 27th- PTO Fall Festival

October 31st- Trunk or Treat