School Nurse
Our school nurse is on staff to provide care and support to students who become ill or are injured while in school. A cumulative health record is maintained for each student. This record includes notations of past illnesses, results of physical examinations, and other pertinent health information. Please keep the nurse apprised of any health concerns and health updates.
Illness may require a child to be sent home. The nurse will notify the parent or, if not available, the person noted on the emergency form. If the information on the emergency form changes during the year, please notify the office or the nurse.
Administration of Medication
No prescription or over-the-counter medication can be administered without proper authorization from the student's medical provider and parent/guardian. Students may not have medication with them in school or on the bus.
Health Assessments & Immunizations
The State of Connecticut requires a complete medical evaluation and submission of the necessary reporting form for students as they enter Preschool and Kindergarten, as well as for any new student entering Grades 1-5 & 6.
The Board of Education adheres to those state laws that pertain to school immunizations and health assessments. It is the policy of the Board of Education to ensure that all enrolled students are adequately immunized against communicable diseases. The Board may deny continued attendance in school to any student who fails to obtain the health assessments required under C.G.S. 10-206, as may be periodically amended.

Michele Ferrer