Privacy Policy
Surveys/Student Privacy
Your child will not be required to participate without parental consent in any survey, analysis, or evaluation that concerns:
political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent;
mental or psychological problems of the student or the student’s family;
sex attitudes or behaviors;
illegal, antisocial, self-incriminating and demeaning behavior;
critical appraisals of other individual with whom respondents have close family relationships;
legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians and ministers;
income; or
religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or the student’s parents.
In addition, parents have the right to inspect, upon request, a survey that is to be administered by a school to a student, prior to its use. Parents will be notified at least two weeks in advance of any survey that will be given to their children.
Parents will be notified of any non-emergency, invasive physical examination that is required as a condition of attendance administered by the school and which is not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of students. Parents will be given an opportunity to opt their child out of the exam. Hearing, vision and scoliosis screening are not subject to prior notifications.
The District will not collect, disclose or use personal information gathered from students for the purpose of marketing or selling that information or providing it to others for that purpose.